Since the 1991 Addams Family movie came out, I’ve toyed with getting the Addams family motto tattoed along the ulnar edge of my right arm. At some point I added getting the Sto Helit family motto on my left ulnar edge to match.

I’ve talked myself out of it each time, not because I don’t want a second tattoo, but because I’m not sure I’m committed to having fake Latin where everyone can see it.

Morticia: As an Addams, you understand completely, don’t you?
Fester: As an Addams, yes, I do.

And our credo, “Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc”…”We gladly feast on those who would subdue us”. Not just pretty words.

Morticia Addams, The Addams Family, 1991

If the Addams credo, “We gladly feast on those who would subdue us” was actually translated into Latin it would be more like 

Eis libenter epulamur qui nos domare velint.

That said, it’s about as accurate as most ‘Latin’ credos from the middle ages, so the original has that going for it.

Likewise, author Sir Terry Pratchet calls out the Sto Helit motto of “fear not the reaper” as

Non Timetus Messor

Hogfather, Terry Pratchet

But when he was knighted in 2009, the motto given to him was the more gramatically correct

Noli Timere Messorem

So what’s a person to do? Go with the bad Latin so the fans of both will recognize the inspiration or go with the correct Latin so future archeologists who find my mortal remains will know that I knew better?